Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Hazy Daze !
May 13th 2011 Our Skies filled with a haze for quite some time now .I havent seen the bright blue skies in weeks and lack of normal white cloud cover , would add pictures but feel theyre not worth adding .
NASA Gets Caught Faking Climate Change Data-AGAIN!
by Jeff DunetzOne of the big threats from the global warming moonbat types is that a rise in temperature will melt the polar ice caps causing the oceans to rise, with the cataclysmic result of skyscrapers being under water. Let’s face it, if you think that the commute into Manhattan is bad now….just wait.
There is only one problem with this scenario, Mother Nature isn’t being cooperative. You see it is true that sea level has risen during the 20th century and probably well before that. Scientists estimate that sea level has increased by 7 inches during the 2oth century.
The climate change hoaxers use computer models to predict that sea levels would rise anywhere from 15 inches to 2o feet because of global warming in the 21st century (the consensus number is closer to 3 feet).
But Mother Nature was never good at computer science. Satellite data proved that the first decade of the 21st century sea level grew by only 0.83 inches (a pace of just 8 inches for the entire century). What’s even worse (for the global warming hoaxers) there has been no rise since 2006. Now I know that some Democrats believe that Obama is a miracle worker, but even the the crazies at the Daily Kos would admit that controlling sea level is way above his pay grade. So the scientists at the University of Colorado’s NASA-funded Sea Level Research Group did what any other self-respecting cult members would do, they fudged the numbers. They simply added .3 millimeters per year to its Global Mean Sea Level Time Series. That way they could report that the sea level rise was accelerating, instead of what was actually happening–decelerating.
The University of Colorado Sea Level Research Group is coming to their rescue. The NASA-funded group claims glacial melt is removing weight that had been pressing down on land masses, which in turn is causing land mass to rise. This welcome news mitigates sea-level rise from melting glacial ice, meaning sea level will rise less than previously thought. However, it is very inconvenient for alarmist sea level predictions. Therefore, instead of reporting the amount by which sea level is rising in the real world, the Sea Level Research Group has begun adding 0.3 millimeters per year of fictitious sea level rise to “compensate” for rising land mass.The extra 0.3 millimeters of fictitious sea level rise will add up to 1.2 inches over the course of the 21st century. While this is not monumental in and of itself, it will allow alarmists to paint a dramatically different picture of sea level rise than is occurring in the real world. For example, the current pace of 8 inches of sea level rise for the present century is essentially no different than the 7 inches of sea level rise that occurred last century. However, with an artificially enhanced 9.2 inches of sea level rise, alarmists can claim sea level is rising 31 percent faster than it did last century.
This isn’t the first time NASA climate-change scientists have fudged data. James Hansen is famous for it.
James Hansen of NASA is not just any global warming Moonbat, he is Al Gore’s global warming Moonbat. It was Hansen’s data that was used in Gore’s Oscar/Peace prize winning film. Hansen’s work is ruled by one motto: “If God gives you rotten apples, tell everyone it’s champagne
In October of 2008, Hansen made the announcement that it was warmest Oct. in history. A few days later after all the doom and gloom headlines passed he announced “Oops, never mind, I was wrong.” He only admitted the mistake after he was “outed” by other scientists. In reality, Oct. 08 was quite an average October. It Ranked 70th in the last 114 years.
In 2007 Hansen was forced by reporter Stephen McIntyre to revise his published figures for US surface temperatures, to show that the hottest year in history was not 1998 as he had claimed, but 1934.
Well It wasn’t exactly a correction. He fought tooth and nail against correcting the numbers, mislead the press and in the end Hansen didn’t fully make the change. Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request and gained access to all the NASA Documents related to the incorrect data, It showed that unlike an objective scientist, Hansen wasn’t very anxious to correct his mistakes.
According to multiple press reports, when NASA corrected the error, the new data apparently caused a reshuffling of NASA’s rankings for the hottest years on record in the United States, with 1934 replacing 1998 at the top of the list.
These new documents, obtained by Judicial Watch through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), include internal GISS email correspondence as NASA scientists attempted to deal with the media firestorm resulting from the controversy. In one exchange GISS head James Hansen tells a reporter from Bloomberg that NASA had not previously published rankings with 1998 atop the list as the hottest year on record in the 20th century [not true].
Hansen announced recently that “The 12-month running mean global temperature in the Goddard Space Institute analysis has reached a new record in 2010 The main factor is our estimated temperature change for the Arctic region.” The GISS figures show that recent temperatures in the Arctic have been up to four degrees C warmer than the long-term mean.
Those arctic numbers that important to Hansen’s announcement were a figment of his creative imagination.
Art Horn, at the Energy Tribune blog, has blown the whistle on Hansen and GISS. He points out that GISS has no thermometers in the Arctic! It has hardly thermometers that are even near the Arctic Circle. GISS estimates its arctic temperatures from land-based thermometers that supposedly each represent the temperatures over 1200 square kilometers. That’s a pretty heroic assumption.Meanwhile, the Danish Meteorological Institute is publishing sea-surface temperatures from the Arctic showing a cooling trend in the Arctic oceans during melt season since about 1993. Clearly, we have no accurate measure of the real temperatures and trends in the Arctic at this moment. Probably that’s not very important. The Russians say that the Arctic has its own 70-year climate cycle. The files of the New York Times, in fact, are filled with stories from the 1920s and 1930s, clearly showing that the Arctic was as warm then as now.But this is the moment when proposed energy taxes would start to scuttle 85 percent of the energy which powers the modern world and its lifestyles. Global climate alarmists, Hansen among them, are playing a desperate and short-sighted game of “pass the energy taxes.”

Or in other word James Hansen is full of crap. He made the temperatures up…there were no thermometers in the Arctic to measure temperatures.
The global warming hoaxers have their backs against the wall, the longer it takes to get their job-killing regulations in place, more information will be discovered proving that their man-made-global warming theory is nonsense.
NASA funded scientists are just trying to speed up the process, by inventing data. Its no wonder that some people believe the moon landing was faked (not me).
Thursday, May 5, 2011
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Warming earth’s sick: scientists
The “dramatic acceleration” of Arctic climate change needs a cure

If the world doesn't rein in its hunger for fossil fuels, the Arctic — shown here by climate scientist Bob Corell at a conference on Arctic climate change and pollution in Copenhagen — will see average temperatures rise by 11 C or more. (PHOTO BY JANE GEORGE)
COPENHAGEN — The earth is sick and needs to go on a diet or it may die, say scientists at this week’s conference on Arctic climate change and pollution.
Sickness is the image which best describes the critical state of the warming planet, suggest the authors of a new climate change report, Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic, released May 4 in Copenhagen.
The earth is like a person in a movie theatre, who is gorging on a bag of popcorn buttered with oil and gas, they say.
Soon this bag will be empty, but the signs of indigestion are already becoming more and more evident and acute.
Just because some places in the Arctic and elsewhere experienced colder weather this past winter doesn’t mean a thing: the earth is still sick, they say.
Sometimes there may be normal years when the earth appears to have recovered, but the “attacks” won’t stop: in the Arctic, these show up as extreme events like severe storms and more snow.
The authors of the SWIPA study, who met with reporters during the conference, say they see a “dramatic acceleration” of all the warming “symptoms” or signs which previous climate change studies predicted.
For the Arctic, these include:
• increased melt of Greenland’s ice sheet, which means sea level rise will be higher than forecasts in earlier reports;
• increased summer sea ice melt in the Arctic Ocean, once predicted to be heading towards an ice-free summer state by 2100— but which may now occur as early as 2035 or 2040;
• thinner sea ice, which will melt more easily and become more dangerous for travel;
• more acidification of the Arctic Ocean water, which can prove fatal to sea life;
• increased glacial melting in all Arctic regions, which will lead to more floods, run-off and landslides;
• higher temperatures and a “profound loss” of Arctic lake ice, particularly in the High Arctic;
• shorter ice duration, with freeze-up later by 10.7 days, and break-up earlier by 8.8 days;
• more contamination released by melting ice and snow, which ends up in fish, birds, marine mammals — and people.
That’s in addition to changes in Arctic Ocean and wind currents and lower numbers of some migratory seabirds.
Scientists admit there are many uncertainties about what the future holds for the Arctic, and the entire world.
But, as they work towards a global assessment of climate change — which one scientist described as a CAT-scan for the world, we should treat the “climate change disease” not by talking about the symptoms, but by developing geo-engineering techniques to lower the earth’s temperature, for example.
By finding ways to absorb or reflect heat, geo-engineers could cool down air, land and sea temperatures.
Ideas to soak up heat include adding iron to the oceans, so more plankton can grow and eat the main greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, and seeding clouds with tiny particles to soak up and reflect heat.
Ideas for reflecting heat off the land include using huge, aerial sunshades, white-painted roofs white and reflective reflectors on the land to bounce sunlight back into the atmosphere, or even a using a “space hose” to create more clouds in the northern latitudes.
Controlling the size of the earth’s population could also help deal with climate change, even in the Arctic, where climate change will be more intense, scientists at the Copenhagen conference say.
That’s a because if the earth gets “fatter,” actions taken to curb warming won’t keep pace with growth and the global hunger for fossil fuel
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